Saturday, March 28, 2020

Living Conditions in Kenya Essay Example

Living Conditions in Kenya Essay Life CONDITIONS IN KENYA 1 This paper analyzes the life conditions in Kenya. Kenya is the biggest economic system in East Africa, and it has contributed greatly into the stabilisation of East African states. This includes Somalia, where the state has sent military personnels to assist in reconstructing order and security within the part. In explicating the life conditions in Kenya, this paper uses the societal justness theory, and the moralss of virtuousness theory. The moralss of virtuousness theory lays an accent on the function of an individual’s character, for intents of measuring and analysing the ethical behaviour of a individual ( Clayton and Williams, 2004 ) . Social justness theory on the other manus develops the rules that govern the societal order of a society. Social Justice refers to the ability that people have, for intents of recognizing their potencies, within the society in which they live ( Clayton and Williams, 2004 ) . On this footing, there is a demand of set uping establishments th at would assist the society to take a better and fulfilling life. The rules established by the theory of societal justness are, personal and political autonomies, equal chances, etc. This paper argues that the life conditions in Kenya are hapless, and bulk of people are unable to acquire better services because of inefficiency in the mode in which the national authorities distributes resources to the grassroots degree. We will write a custom essay sample on Living Conditions in Kenya specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Living Conditions in Kenya specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Living Conditions in Kenya specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Before December 2007, Kenya was categorized as one of the success narratives in Africa. This is because the state was sing a fledging democracy, and an unprecedented economic growing, which was characterized by a flourishing touristry industry ( Williams, 2012 ) . It is of import to understand that the population of the state is approximated at 35.5 million people, with about 10 million people populating in the urban countries ( Oppong and Oppong, 2012 ) . The capital metropolis is in Nairobi, with over three million people shacking in it. The 2007 elections in Kenya culminated into an electoral force that was so terrible and lifelessly. This force shocked the full universe, and this is because Kenya has been regarded as a symbol of peace and stableness within a part that was infested with civil wars and armed struggles. Kenya faces a series of jobs, such as corruptness, HIV/AIDS, higher criterions of life, poorness, malnutrition and hungriness, a hapless wellness sector, tribalism, and hapless leading and administration ( Oppong and Oppong, 2012 ) . These mentioned jobs are the chief causes that make the life conditions in Kenya to be hapless and substandard. For case, it is estimated that kids below 15 old ages of age signifier 50 % of the entire population of the state ( Campbell, Gray and Radak, 2011 ) . On this footing, the state faces a high dependence load, which is responsible for making a competition for the chief intent accessing quality instruction, wellness attention services, and other societal services. It is of import to understand that in every bit much as the economic system of the state usually see some growing, more than half of the population of the state live in poorness ( Williams, 2012 ) . That is they live in less than a dollar per twenty-four hours. The most vulnerable people are kids and adult females populating in rural countries, and in slums ( Oppong and Oppong, 2012 ) . Poverty in the state is attributed to inefficient administration construction that does non guarantee the just distribution of resources to the grassroots degree. Poverty is besides attributed to the widespread corruptness within the state ( Williams, 2012 ) . In fact, in an one-year study of the states that is the most corrupt in the universe. Kenya ranks amongst the most corrupt states in t he universe. Corruptness is widespread within the state, and it is really hard for an person to acquire services from the authorities without corrupting a authorities functionary ( Oppong and Oppong, 2012 ) . Amongst the establishments where corruptness thrives, are the constabulary forces, the military units, the bench, and sections responsible for supplying in-migration services. Harmonizing to the societal justness theory, it is the function of the authorities to supply a conducive ambiance that can assist people to do wealth, and live in prosperity. Eradication of poorness should be one of the major concerns of the authorities, and hence establishments must be put in topographic point, for intents of assisting the authorities to contend poorness, and its causes ( Williams, 2012 ) . It is of import to understand that there have been attempts and schemes developed for intents of contending corruptness within the state, which is one of the major, causes of poorness. Institutions such as the Kenya Anti Corruption Authority were established. However, these establishments have failed to undertake the jobs of corruptness, because of deficiency of authorities will. For case, there have been major dirts affecting the larceny of public money, and this includes the Goldenberg saga, whereby a concern adult male, with the aid of top authorities functionaries decided to steal revenue enhancement payer’s money by feigning that they could provide gold, to the state militias in the 1990s ( Oppong and Oppong, 2012 ) . Billions of shillings were lost in this procedure. Another state of affairs is the Anglo leasing dirt, which came to come up in 2005 whereby top authorities functionaries were able to steal one million millions of shillings from the authorities. It is of import to denote that failure by authorities anti-corruption establishments to forestall these dirts was an unfairness to the Kenyan society ( Williams, 2012 ) . This is every bit harmonizing to the societal justness theory, which lays accent on establishments to assist in advancing societal justness, and this includes equality of chance, and personal and political freedom. For illus tration, due to corruptness, the province is unable to raise financess that can assist it to develop roads, better on the instruction and wellness attention system, etc. On this footing, the authorities is forced to utilize the limited resources it has to develop certain countries, go forthing other parts in their development docket. This is clearly against the societal justness theory which advocates for just distribution of resources ( Hooft, 2006 ) . To cut down the jobs of corruptness in Kenya, there is a demand of utilizing the rules contained in the virtuousness theories of moralss for intents of commanding the behaviour of its senior authorities functionaries. This theory focuses on methods of bettering the morality of people, by set uping the regulations and processs that the people under consideration should follow. For illustration, corruptness is a negative phenomenon in the state, and there is a demand of set uping constabularies and mechanisms of contending corruptness. On this footing, the Kenyan authorities demands to ordain assorted Torahs and processs aimed at contending corruptness, and detering the frailty ( Williams, 2012 ) . These processs could include demonising this facet of corruptness, by taking civil retainers to developing seminars with the purpose of sensitising them on the dangers of corruptness. Through these actions, opportunities are high that the authorities might transfuse the moral virtuousnesss of honestness, and the demand to function amongst its senior civil retainers ( Hooft, 2006 ) . This will hold an consequence of minimising corruptness, taking to the decrease of poorness within the state ( Gifford, 2009 ) . Another factor that leads to hapless life criterions in the state is the country’s wellness sector, which is inefficient, and lacks adept medical practicians to work in these sectors. It is of import to understand that Kenya lacks adequate physicians and nurses to work in its wellness sector. The chief ground of this deficit is that the state does non hold equal preparation installations and resources that can ease the preparation of more medical practicians, and later en gaging these people ( Hornsby, 2012 ) . However, it is of import to understand that the country that is affected largely by this deficit of physicians is in rural countries. This is because most practicians do non like working in these countries because the wage is small, and they have small chances of progressing in their callings. Doctors in rural countries are ever employed by the authorities, and the wage offered by the authorities is non ever moneymaking ( Hooft, 2006 ) . On this footing, these physicians would instead remain in urban countries, where they can acquire better occupations, with honoring wage. On this footing, there is unjust distribution of service, with the rural countries being at a disadvantage. In the position of the societal justness theory, this is injustice, because people are unable to get services, which they have a right to ( Hooft, 2006 ) . This is because they are revenue enhancement remunerators, and therefore the authorities needs to supply the wellness attention services that they need. The instruction system in Kenya is besides hapless, and it favors kids from the rich background. In every bit much as the authorities introduced a cosmopolitan free primary instruction in the state, the educative services provided are non up to the criterion. This is because schoolrooms are congested, and there are cases whereby two kids are forced to portion a desk ( Haustein, 2011 ) . There is besides a deficit of instructors, and the authorities is loath to engage more instructors because it lacks the necessary financess to transport out the exercising. On this footing, the quality of instruction provided in authorities schools is low, and this is ever reflected in national test, where pupils from authorities schools do non execute better than pupils at private schools ( Haustein, 2011 ) . It is hence of import to understand that parents prefer taking their kids to private schools, for them to entree quality and good instruction. However, these schools are ever really expensive, a nd out of range of bulk of Kenyans. It is hence accurate to understand that the instruction system in Kenya is prefering the rich, and this goes against the rules established by the societal justness theory ( Clayton and Williams, 2004 ) . Harmonizing to this rule, there must be equity in the sharing of authorities resources, and on this footing, the Government failed in this sphere ( Hooft, 2006 ) . All that the authorities needs to make is to better the construction of free primary instruction, engage more instructors, construct more schools and schoolroom, and better on the accomplishments that its instructors have. By making this, opportunities are high that the authorities would better the quality of free primary instruction. From the position of the societal justness theory, it is the establishment of administration that plays a great function in guaranting whether there is just or unjust distribution of educational resources ( Williams, 2012 ) . This is because it is the authorities that has the duty of supplying instruction to the citizens of the state. Tribalism is besides a factor that leads to unjust distribution of resources. This is because senior authorities functionaries are acute at developing countries where their folks come from, at the disbursal of the full state. Loyalty is to the folk, as opposed to the whole state. In decision, the hapless life conditions in Kenya are chiefly caused by corruptness, and unjust distribution of resources. The societal justness theory and the virtuousness of moralss theory can be used to efficaciously explicate and supply a solution to these jobs. For case, the societal justness theory advocators for the publicity of just distribution of resources, and personal every bit good as political freedoms. In the position of this theory, establishments play a great function in guaranting that there is an just distribution of resources and the personal and political freedoms of people are guaranteed. On this footing, when these societal immoralities are depicted in a society, so the establishments of the society under consideration have failed. The same can be applied in the Kenyan state of affairs, whereby the establishments formed by the authorities to contend poorness, corruptness, tribalism and other ailments in the society have failed. The virtuousness moralss theory o n the other manus emphasizes on morality and the demand of holding a good character. Corruptness is an illustration a character that is non good, and this will take to the outgrowth of other societal ailments such as poorness, and in just distribution of wealth. On this footing, the authorities needs to engage people of unity and moral character for intents of keeping senior authorities offices. Bibliography: Campbell, B. C. , Gray, P. B. , A ; Radak, J. ( 2011 ) . In the Company of Work force: Quality of Life and Social Support Among the Ariaal of Northern Kenya.Journal of Cross-Cultural Geriatrics,26( 3 ) , 221-237. Clayton, M. , A ; Williams, A. ( 2004 ) .Social justness. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub.. Gifford, P. ( 2009 ) .Christianity, political relations and public life in Kenya. New York: Columbia University Press. Haustein, J. ( 2011 ) .Christianity, Politics and Public Life in Kenya.Pneuma,33( 1 ) , 134-135. Hooft, S. v. ( 2006 ) .Understanding virtuousness moralss. Chesham [ U.K. : Acumens. Hornsby, C. ( 2012 ) .Kenya a history since independency. New York: I. B. Tauris. Oppong, J. R. , A ; Oppong, E. D. ( 2004 ) .Kenya. Philadelphia: Chelsea House. Williams, L. ( 2012 ) .Kenya enchiridion( 3rd ed. ) . Bath: Footprint.

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