Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Making of Company Name Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Making of Company Name - Assignment Example Since Waxing Company wants to expand its business to European and American markets, it should adopt a name that fits the general market and the target customers. Some of the names that the company can adopt for its new markets are as proposed below. The name Five Star Electros can be an ideal name that Wuxing Company can decide to adopt since it contains the aspect of originality. Adopting this name will enable the potential customers to link the company directly to its parent company in China. In addition, the name Five Star Electros shows originality and business superiority in the automobile industry and thus will generate the notion that the company’s products are of high quality. Moreover, this name is generally acceptable globally, simple and very easy to recall and thus both the European an American customers will be able to relate to it. Equally important, the name Roadster Technologies will be a perfect fit for Wuxing Company. This name has numerous advantages that ca n enable Wuxing to penetrate the new market. Apart from being a unique name, it can attract the attention of the potential customers since the term Roadster creates a â€Å"superior† image on the minds of the customer. Furthermore, the term Technology will identify the manufactured products as being effective, efficient, and durable and of very high quality. To repeat, this name will fit the company’s objective to describe its products as high quality, original, of innovative design and lifestyle among other features. Imagine walking across a busy street and then all of a sudden you notice that you have seen a company premise that has been labeled Deluxe Auto Dikes. Chances are that if you are a motorbike â€Å"lover,† you will turn back and look again. This is so because the name Deluxe is generally attractive and thus this name will capture the attention of the customers in the new market.

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